Jeff Stroud, Instructor
Jeff Stroud has been shooting for over 40 years, while working with MTU in 2006 on the indoor range he noticed a real need for better training. Getting certified thru the NRA for Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, reloading, PPITH, and CRSO (Chief Range Safety Officer) he has gone on to get teaching certificates from I.C.E training company, USCCA, and the MCRGO. He also has training certificates from Dave Spaulding - Ileeta’s top police trainer, Bob Vogel- (IDPA/USPSA Master Class shooter), MIke Seeklander - (Owner USA shooting academy, also a Master Class Shooter in I.D.P.A. and USPSA.) Rob Pincus - PDN (Personal Defense Network and owner of I.C.E. training company). IDPA safety officer certification. NRA Defensive Pistol Course. NRA basic and advanced personal protection outside the home course. I.C.E. Counter ambush training. NLT affiliate instructor. Also he has become a member of the Rudy Project Shooting Team.